You must RSVP in advance by calling the Career Center at: 617-745-4000

If you click on each event in the calendar, it will open to the full description of that workshop or event.

Upcoming Events Calendar


Workshops are a great way to boost your skills and your confidence while job searching!  Anyone can participate in our workshops – whether unemployed or employed seeking to change jobs.  All workshops except for Tuesday’s Walk-In Job Search Support Group are virtual (usually ZOOM).  You will need

  • Internet access
  • Email address
  • Computer with a camera, OR a smartphone, OR a tablet. Be sure the Zoom app is loaded onto your device.    

Start with the CCS (“Career Center Seminar”), and then move to other workshops, such as those listed below.  Dates and times of workshops are listed on JobQuest and on our calendar

These workshops are usually facilitated by Cheryl Alexis, a Human Resources professional with 25+ years of experience in HR.  Cheryl’s workshops are live, interactive and fun – and she welcomes your questions!

Best way to register is on JobQuest using your 8-digit jobseeker ID#.  Or call our front desk (617-745-4000).